The following code returns data from 11 tables. Each table contains the year and month. I need to make use of an enddate parameter to check that only tables todate are pulled out. So if the user wants data from 201505 it should pull out all tables only till 201509 as from 201510 tables do not exists assuming we in the month of 201510. Code below:
@enddate varchar(6),
@FirstTableMonth int =201505,
@Table_Name sysname,
@TableMonth int,
@end int,
@CurrentMonth int = 0,
@NextYearMonth int = 1
set @enddate = 201611
WHILE @CurrentMonth < 11
SELECT @TableMonth = CASE WHEN (@FirstTableMonth + @CurrentMonth) % 100 < 13 THEN
@FirstTableMonth + @CurrentMonth
@FirstTableMonth + 100 - (@FirstTableMonth % 100) + @NextYearMonth
@NextYearMonth = CASE WHEN (@FirstTableMonth + @CurrentMonth) % 100 < 13 THEN
@NextYearMonth + 1
@end = case when @enddate
@Table_Name = 'xx_'+CAST(@TableMonth as varchar)+'_T'
SET @CurrentMonth = @CurrentMonth + 1
print @Table_Name;
You get all table names from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES. So just apply your criteria to get them:
SQL fiddle:!6/7b4f5/2
I've posted an answer explaining how to retrieve the table names.
But it would really be better to change the design instead. Make it one table and create views for the months (named as the tables are named now). Provide the views with instead-of insert triggers, so you can use select, update, insert and delete just as before, but you'd also have a proper table to work with: