I'd like to create a list that stores all values of a single column. For example let's say my file has a column called 'FirstNames' and for the first 3 rows, the 'names' column has Merry, Pippin, Frodo.
I'd like to create a list that looks like [Merry, Pippin, Frodo]
I tried doing it like this:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv(".../TrainingFile.csv")
list = []
names = data['FirstNames']
for i in range(0,2):
However the list does not only store the values in the cells and gives me an output like this:
Name: FirstName, dtype: object, 1 Merry
Name: FirstName, dtype: object, 2 Pippin
Name: FirstName, dtype: object, 3 Frodo
How can I change this? Thanks for the help.
Bonus: instead of range(0,2) how can I define the range so that it goes through the number of rows there are in the file?
Because you are using reserved variable names. Instead of using list, use list1 or something else as the variable name.
Few of the reserved variable names in python are: dict, str, list, int, pass etc, which we use mistakenly. Try to avoid it.
Please never use reserved words like
... as variables because masking built-in functions.If later in code use
e.g.get very weird errors and debug is very complicated.
So need:
Also can check Is it safe to use the python word “type” in my code.