This is my hangman code, and its almost good up to the point where it displays the guessed letters. It only displays the most recent guessed letter but I want it to continue on from whats left off. Such as if a person guess "A" and then "L" then Guessed letters are A, L. I tried using a for loop after "Guessed letters are" but then it gives me the output "A, A, A, A, A". What should I do to fix this problem?
class Hangman
public string[] words = new string[5] { "ARRAY", "OBJECT", "CLASS", "LOOP", "HUMBER" };
public string[] torture = new string[6] { "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "body", "head" };
public char[] guessed = new char[26];
int i;
public void randomizedWord()
Random random = new Random();
int index = random.Next(0, 5);
char[] hidden = new char[words[index].Length];
string word = words[index];
Console.Write("The word is: ");
for (i = 0; i < hidden.Length; i++)
hidden[i] = '-';
int lives = 6;
Console.WriteLine("Guess a letter: ");
char userinput = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray()[0];
guessed[index] = userinput;
Console.WriteLine("Guessed letters are: " + guessed[index]);
bool foundLetter = false;
for (int i = 0; i < hidden.Length; i++)
if (word[i] == userinput)
hidden[i] = userinput;
foundLetter = true;
Console.WriteLine("You guessed right!");
for (int x = 0; x < hidden.Length; x++)
if (!foundLetter)
Console.WriteLine(" That is not a correct letter");
if (lives == 5)
Console.WriteLine("You lost a " + torture[0]);
else if (lives == 4)
Console.WriteLine("You lost the " + torture[1]);
else if (lives == 3)
Console.WriteLine("You lost your " + torture[2]);
else if (lives == 2)
Console.WriteLine("You lost the " + torture[3]);
else if (lives == 1)
Console.WriteLine("You lost your " + torture[4]);
Console.WriteLine("You lost your " + torture[5]);
Console.WriteLine("You lose!");
bool founddash = false;
for (int y = 0; y < hidden.Length; y++)
if (hidden[y] == '-')
founddash = true;
if (!founddash)
Console.WriteLine(" You Win! ");
} while (lives != 0);
variable is being set to a random number when the random word is selected in this line.Then that
is being used to store the guesses in the do..while loop. However, sinceindex
starts from a random number between 0 and 5 you see unexpected behaviour.Set index to 0 in the line before the do..while loop and the for loop (or the alternatives suggested elsewhere) should work e.g. as so
I was going to post on your other thread Hangman Array C#
Try changing this line
I had a play with your hangman game and came up with this solution (while we are doing your homework). Although not related to the question.
Can be run as
new HangCSharp().Run();