This is what i am trying to do:
From a form I GET the coordinates:
The I query SQl to find all posts near those coordinates, since each posts have custom fields with lat
and lng
Post 1:
usp-custom-19 = 45.492384716155605
usp-custom-20 = 9.206341950000024
Post 2:
usp-custom-19 = 45.512383456255605
usp-custom-20 = 9.326341933210024
Then I run this:
$posts = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT m.post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta m, $wpdb->postmeta n WHERE m.post_id=n.post_id AND m.meta_key='get_usp-custom-19' AND n.meta_key='get_usp-custom-20' AND (POW( CAST(m.meta_value AS DECIMAL(7,4)) - $lat, 2 ) + POW( COS(0.0175 * $lat) * ( CAST(n.meta_value AS DECIMAL(7,4)) - $ln ), 2 ) ) ) < $rad * $rad");
foreach($posts as $post) {
But I get nothing.
This uses the Pythagorean theorem which is only valid on flat surfaces. The two points need to be close enough so that the triangle is essentially on a flat surface. (Otherwise, you need a "Great Circle" formula.) Also, there will be a problem if the two points straddle the opposite of the Prime Meridian - the meridian of 180 degrees - International Date Line.
This is what I ended up with