I'm displaying an amount of divs on a page that can be anywhere from 1-50, all will be generated and loaded into the HTML via PHP, but I want to only display 9 initially and then load an additional 9 on a button click until all are loaded.
var alldivs = $('.preview-container').hide();
$('button').on('click', function(){
var turn = alldivs.splice(0, 9);
if (turn.length) {
Your question is very vague. For a better reference, you need to post your current code, what precisely you need to do and what you have searched so far. So it can help you to receive a better answer. But most likely you are looking for something like this:
This is the shortest code I can think to do this:
As the jQuery-selector returns an array with the matched elements you can combine that with the Array splice method to do what you want.
alldivs.splice(0, 9)
remove nine items starting at position zero fromalldivs
and returns the removed items.Hope it helps.