This code is supposed to print the sum of numbers from 10 to 0. It should be printing 55, but is printing 10 instead. Can you help me figure out where it's going wrong?
# initialize values to 3 registers
addi $a0,$zero,10
jal sum # call method
# Print out the summation upto 10
li $v0,1 # print integer
add $a1,$v0,$zero # load return value into argument
li $v0,10 # Exit
addi $sp,$sp,-8 # allocate space on stack
sw $ra,0($sp) # store the return address
sw $a0,4($sp) # store the argument
slti $t0,$a0,1 # check if n > 0
beq $t0,$0,recurse # n > 0 case
add $v0,$0,$0 # start return value to 0
addi $sp,$sp,8 # pop 2 items off stack
jr $ra # return to caller
addi $a0,$a0,-1 # calculate n-1
jal sum # recursively call sum(n-1)
lw $ra,0($sp) # restore saved return address
lw $a0,4($sp) # restore saved argument
addi $sp,$sp,8 # pop 2 items off stack
add $v0,$a0,$v0 # calculate n + sum(n-1)
jr $ra # return to caller
Functions return their value in
; theprint integer
syscall expects its argument in$a0
.You need to move
before you do the print, otherwise you'll be printing whatever happened to be in$a0
(which in the case is the last value that you recursively added; i.e. 10).