Hi i'm trying to move a background endlessly, but i have a little problem when i simulate the code.
This is my code
didMove(to view: SKView) {
for i in 0...1 {
let backgroundNEW = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "New_Background")
backgroundNEW.size = self.size
backgroundNEW.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5 , y: 0)
backgroundNEW.position = CGPoint(x: self.size.width , y: self.size.height * CGFloat(i))
backgroundNEW.zPosition = -1
backgroundNEW.name = "test"
var lastUpdateTime : TimeInterval = 0
var deltaFrameTime : TimeInterval = 0
var amountToMovePerSecond : CGFloat = 200.0
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval){
if lastUpdateTime == 0{
lastUpdateTime = currentTime
else {
deltaFrameTime = currentTime - lastUpdateTime
lastUpdateTime = currentTime
let amountToMoveBackground = amountToMovePerSecond * CGFloat(deltaFrameTime)
self.enumerateChildNodes(withName: "test") {
backgroundNEW, stop in
backgroundNEW.position.x -= amountToMoveBackground
if backgroundNEW.position.x < -self.size.height{
backgroundNEW.position.x += self.size.height*2
i got this simulation : https://gyazo.com/63ce327ce9bc0a14199f411ac187de25
my problem is the black background i dont know how i can replace it to do the background moving endless .
Here is my code I am using to scroll a background infinitely (assuming you are using SpriteKit?) You need two backgrounds to give it the look and feel of an infinitely scrolling background. I updated it to work for 3 backgrounds to provide an infinite scroll.
outside your
methodsetting up your backgrounds inside your
methodNow to handle the scrolling of the backgrounds
Finally, in the
method that updates before each frameIf you have any questions, ask them so I can help you out.