I have list of check boxes inside rich:dataTable and I want to check all the boxes at once with a single check box from header column.
<rich:column id="includeInWHMapping" >
<f:facet name="header">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{checkallbox.selectAll}">
<f:ajax actionListener="#{checkallbox.selectAllBox}" render="selectedForWHProcess" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectedForWHProcess" value="#{checkallbox.checked[data]}">
<f:ajax actionListener="#{checkallbox.selectAllRows}"/>
Code in checkallbox Bean:
private Map<StandardStructure, Boolean> checked = new HashMap<StandardStructure, Boolean>();
private boolean selectAll;
public boolean isSelectAll() {
return selectAll;
public void setSelectAll(boolean selectAll) {
this.selectAll = selectAll;
public Map<StandardStructure, Boolean> getChecked() {
return checked;
public void setChecked(Map<StandardStructure, Boolean> checked) {
this.checked = checked;
public void selectAllBox(ValueChangeEvent e){
boolean newSelectAll = (Boolean) e.getNewValue();
Iterator<StandardStructure> keys = checked.keySet().iterator();
StandardStructure ss = keys.next();
checked.put(ss, newSelectAll);
When I check the h:selectBooleanCheckBox of header column nothing happens. What am I missing here? Should I have to implement Map for "selectAll" property too?
Thanks Emil! I solved it.
First of all.
doesn't haveactionListener
, it has alistener
. Read the docs here. Second thing, you can usevalueChangeListener
and only there. Third, listener inside rows boxes is wrong. Basically, it looks like you need to read this topic.Now, here is the working example:
Other possible problems with your code (since you've shared just a part).
method is good. In 95% of case the default is not, especially if they are@Entity
.You have to make sure that the map is populated with false at the beginning. I use