I want to find the minimum between the line number 2000 and 3000.
I want to find the minimum and maximum of the values and when the minimum and maximum are found , I also need to find the line on which it was found. Then I want to go to one line above the maximum or minimum containing line and output the first integer out of the 6 integers on the same line.
My input is of the following form.
$TIME_VALUE = 1.4000002e+001
$STATE_NO = 15
$Output for State 15 at time = 14
1346995 25 1457683 1471891 1457727 1471929
9.953265e-001 9.953265e-001 9.953265e-001 9.953265e-001
1346996 25 1471891 1457685 1471930 1457727
9.953963e-001 9.953963e-001 9.953963e-001 9.953963e-001
1346997 25 1457685 1471892 1471931 1471930
9.953437e-001 9.953437e-001 9.953437e-001 9.953437e-001
so output could be
min=9.953265e-001 on line 07 at 1346995
max=9.953963e-001 on line 09 at 1346996
PS: I can find the min and maximum of an array but to tackle this input is hard for me. waiting for expert suggestion.
I dot not understand the requirement between line number 2000 and 3000, but if it is in your example between line number 6 and 11:
And would the max not be on line 9 ?
(To all, please do not useless use of cat me, I find it clearer this way ;-).)