I believe I have come up with a very efficient way to read very, very large files line-by-line. Please tell me if you know of a better/faster way or see room for improvement. I am trying to get better at coding, so any sort of advice you have would be nice. Hopefully this is something that other people might find useful, too.
It appears to be something like 8 times faster than using Line Input from my tests.
'This function reads a file into a string. '
'I found this in the book Programming Excel with VBA and .NET. '
Public Function QuickRead(FName As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim res As String
Dim l As Long
I = FreeFile
l = FileLen(FName)
res = Space(l)
Open FName For Binary Access Read As #I
Get #I, , res
Close I
QuickRead = res
End Function
'This function works like the Line Input statement'
Public Sub QRLineInput( _
ByRef strFileData As String, _
ByRef lngFilePosition As Long, _
ByRef strOutputString, _
ByRef blnEOF As Boolean _
On Error GoTo LastLine
strOutputString = Mid$(strFileData, lngFilePosition, _
InStr(lngFilePosition, strFileData, vbNewLine) - lngFilePosition)
lngFilePosition = InStr(lngFilePosition, strFileData, vbNewLine) + 2
Exit Sub
blnEOF = True
End Sub
Sub Test()
Dim strFilePathName As String: strFilePathName = "C:\Fld\File.txt"
Dim strFile As String
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim blnEOF As Boolean
Dim strFileLine As String
strFile = QuickRead(strFilePathName) & vbNewLine
lngPos = 1
Do Until blnEOF
Call QRLineInput(strFile, lngPos, strFileLine, blnEOF)
End Sub
Thanks for the advice!
Line Input works fine for small files. However, when file sizes reach around 90k, Line Input jumps all over the place and reads data in the wrong order from the source file. I tested it with different filesizes:
Lesson learned - use Scripting.FileSystemObject
'you can modify above and read full file in one go and then display each line as shown below
I just wanted to share some of my results...
I have text files, which apparently came from a Linux system, so I only have a
at the end of each line and notvbCR
.From my research testing small (152KB) & large (2778LB) files, both on and off the network I found the following:
Open FileName For Input: Line Input
was the slowest (See Note 1 above)Open FileName For Binary Access Read: Input
was the fastest for reading the whole fileFSO.OpenTextFile: ReadLine
was fast, but a bit slower thenBinary Input