I'm trying to rely on Reactive Programming to share the result of an http call with many subscribers. At the same time I want to be able to perform the call again (refresh).
I start with a cold Observable that perform the http call and then immediately complete.
I want to wrap it to obtain an hot observable that work like this: every subscriber should always receive the last event (if any) when subscribing and every other event until unsubscribed. I should have a way (external to that observable) to trigger a refresh and thus a new event on all the subscribers.
More in detail:
I have a cold Observable for the http request build by retrofit2
. For the sake of completeness this is my service interface
Observable<MyData> httpCall();
I ask retrofit for a service:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
MyService service = retrofit.create(MyServiceInterface.class);
From the service I get the observable:
Observable<MyData> coldObservable = service.httpCall();
This is a cold observable, it will perform the http call every time subscribe()
is called on it and then immediately complete.
I want to expose an hot observable, I've read I can do this:
Observable<MyData>hotObservable = coldObservable.publish()
This way the http call is performed at the first subscribe()
on it and if I subscribe multiple times all will "connect" to the same coldObservable
After the call is completed if I call subscribe()
again nothing will happen, not even a callback to completed.
Instead I want it to receive the last event.
If the user request it I want to force a refresh (repeat http call). All subscribers should receive the new result / error.
I imagine something like this:
Observable<MyData> theSmartObservable = helperClass.getObservable();
// at some point later
The refresh triggered should produce a new event in theSmartObservable
How do I build such an observable?
I hope I explained myself, if not please tell in comments.
Subclassing Observable is tricky. Using composition with a subject as a "bridge" should be easier. Something like