I have a problem with my paginate. My route :
path: /{id}/{name}
defaults: { _controller: ShopDesktopBundle:Category:showCategory}
id: \d+
_method: GET
In my controller :
$aProducts = $repositoryProduct->getProductsOrderByDateDesc($id);
$paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
$pagination = $paginator->paginate(
$this->get('request')->query->get('page', 1),
return $this->render('ShopDesktopBundle:Category:category.html.twig',array(
'pagination' => $pagination
I view :
<div class="navigation">
{{ knp_pagination_render(pagination) }}
It's calculate normal the count of products and in view I see : 1 2 3 >. But when I tried to get the page 2 in url it's send : ?page=2 but the list of products not change.
you missed to configure the page parameter and process it in your controller:
use this route:
and in controller: