I'm trying to pass Foursquare venue details to a Venue listing page (parent) but am receiving an error from the nested function that pulls the details. The initial listing request returns data as expected without error. How can I resolve the authentication error on the nested request?
This is the error -
code: 400
errorDetail: "Missing access credentials. See
for details."
errorType: "invalid_auth"
I'm calling this function within the listing function -
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
function getDetails(e){
requestVenueDetails = 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/'+e+'&client_id='+{client id}+'&client_secret='+{secret}+'&v='+{version};
request.open('GET', requestVenueDetails, true);
request.onload = function()
var detailsData = JSON.parse(this.response);
var venueDetails = detailsData;
console.log(venueDetails, ' return confirmation message');
Here is the listing function -
returnRequest = function(){
request.onload = function()
var data = JSON.parse(this.response);
var venues = data.response.venues;
venues.forEach( venue=> {
if((venue.location.address != null) && (venue.verified = true))
{listing html here}
The problem was a missing '?' in the nested request URL after the venue ID and before the user credentials.
DOH, just needed to stare at it longer with rested eyes.