Suppose "A001", "A002", "A003" in symptoms_N means "nose allergic"
Suppose "Z001", "Z002" in symptoms_N means "nose cancer"
I want to find those who got nose cancer AND the had got nose allergic before getting cancer.
For example, the following 2 records hit the target I want.
I can inferred Jack got "nose cancer" on 2015-04-02,
and he had got "nose allergic" on 2011-04-02.
I can find the nose allergic records with $or aggregation operator. like db.collection.find({"$or": OR_CONDITIONS})
I have no idea how to finish the compounded conditions query in MongoDB.
"name": "Jack",
"symptoms_1": "B00 ",
"symptoms_2": "A001 ",
"symptoms_3": " ",
"datetime": "2011-04-02"
"name": "Jack",
"symptoms_1": "",
"symptoms_2": "",
"symptoms_3": "Z001",
"datetime": "2015-04-02"
you put the conditions inside an [ {}, {}, {}, {}] array (since an array is valid json).
in fact, you might be seeking the $in operator that works on a common field
and it seems you want comb thru all symptom fields so use both $or and $in as such
the braces might be mismatched but start off with that.