I wish to calculate an average image from 3 different images of the same size that I have. I know this can be done with ease in matlab..but how do I go about this in c#? Also is there an Aforge.net tool I can use directly for this purpose?
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ImageMagick can do this for you very simply - at the command-line you could type this:
You could equally calculate the median (instead of the mean) of a bunch of TIFF files and save in a PNG output file like this:
Easy, eh?
There are bindings for C/C++, Perl, PHP and all sorts of other janguage interfaces, including (as kindly pointed out by @dlemstra) the Magick.Net binding available here.
ImageMagick is powerful, free and available here.
I have found an article on SO which might point you in the right direction. Here is the code (unsafe)
Here is the link to the article: How to calculate the average rgb color values of a bitmap