This is my code for my controller:
Ext.define(controller.details.StudentControlller', {
extend: '',
requires: [
config: {
Init: function(){
"use strict";
var me = this; = this.getApplication();
createStudentTables: function () {
var finalStudent=[],
arrReqTplTest = ['<div class="StuReq"><table><tr><th class=" StuReq ">' +
'NAME ' +
'<img src="resources/images/arrow-bottom-1-512.png" width="10px" height="10px" onclick="this.sortStore();"/>' +
'</th><th class=" StuReq ">CATEGORY ' +
' <img src="resources/images/arrow-bottom-1-512.png" width="10px" height="10px" onclick="sortStore();"/>' +
'</th><th class=" StuReq ">STUDENT GROUP ' +
'<img src="resources/images/arrow-bottom-1-512.png" width="10px" height="10px" onclick="sortStore();"/>' +
title: “Student Table”,
collapsed: true,
layout: 'fit',
items: [
xtype: 'component',
itemId: 'StudentTablViewID-' + i,
html: arrReqTplTest
xtype: 'dataview',
itemId: 'StudentTable-' + i,
height: 200,
store: ‘studentDetailStore’,
//itemHeight: 70,
scrollable: false,
itemSelector: 'div.wrap-requirements-' + i
sortStore: function(){
alert("Now it is finally undefined");
In the code above you can see that I have written an onclick for images that I have attached next to column headers. When I click on that image it is supposed to call the function called as sortStore but it just keeps throwing the error called "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"
Please forgive me if I have done some syntax errors, its because I have shortened the code to make it readable. But rest assured everything except sortStore() calling works fine from onclick event works fine.
The problem is that you are binding a listener with a string. This listener will only fire if you have a function
on the global level (window). This listener will never execute in the current scope like you expected it too.The recommended way is to make an
and bind a click listener to it. Or use thextype: 'image'
.Check out this fiddle
I created this as a panel and attached a event listener to the img element like this.