the purpose of this excerise is to eliminate passing the @RegModifiedDateTime
again what i want is i should be able to read ModifiedDateTime
by passing Id
example: if i pass Id = 564
then i should be able to read
`schoold_Id and ModifiedDateTime`
end update
here is how my table looks like for SchoolRegistration:
school_id id active modifydatetime
432 564 1 2008-12-14 13:15:38.750
342 564 1 2008-12-14 14:15:50.470
353 564 1 2008-12-14 14:19:46.703
end update
how do i loop to update my SchoolRegistration table? the id might have 1 or many rows in the SchoolRegistration but the thing is that RegModifiedDateTime
is a unique for concurrency purpose and i should loop to get the right modifydatetime for that id.
alter procedure [dbo].[del_schoolRegistration]
@Id bigint,
@RegModifiedDateTime datetime
declare @rowsAffected int
begin tran
update SchoolRegistration
set Active = 0,
ModifiedDateTime = getdate()
where (Id = @Id and RegModifiedDateTime = @RegModifiedDateTime or @RegModifiedDateTime is null )
if (@rowsAffected < 1) begin
rollback tran
else begin
commit tran
return @rowsAffected
What happens here is that if you did not know the RegModifiedDateTime you are looking for (by passing @RegModifiedDateTime as NULL), the query will catch them all for the ID due to
@RegModifiedDateTime is null
, but update ONLY the LATEST RegModifiedDateTime based on the row_numbering and CTE table definition.EDIT
The above query retains the option to pass in a direct @RegModifiedDateTime should a record other than the latest need updating. To always update only the latest, drop the WHERE filter against @RegModifiedDateTime completely
i endup using curor: