I have upload area for my customers which files should be private and not public accessible. Because of non-public availability, how can I get this files for preview in application? Is there any other way to get it directly from server?
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If you are working with images:
Then in your view:
For any other file:
Your view:
If you wish you may use a controller:
Then your route definition would look like:
And your view:
Yes, you can serve files without making them public.
The basic idea is that you add a route which authorizes the request and then serves the file.
For example:
There are many built-in ways for serving files. Here are four that I would recommend looking at:
For files stored in an external system (like Amazon S3) that supports temporary URLs, it's sometimes better to generate a URL to the file instead of serving it directly from your application. You can usually do this with