I am learning backbone over Typescript and I got the header file for backbone. I am trying to create a view in which I've referenced "this" inside the render function. But Webstorm is throwing an error on that:
class QuestionView extends Backbone.View{
model = new Question();
template: (data:any) => string;
this.tagName = "div";
this.template = _.template($("#add-question").html());
_.bindAll(this, "render");
this.$el.html()(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); // The error is pointing to the first "this" literal in this line
return this;
C:/.../Main.ts(40,9): error TS2088: Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature.
Usually with
problems it is related to scope, but in your case it is just related to a typo in yourhtml
method call:To set the HTML of an element, you pass the HTML inside the parenthesis of the
method - you accidentally passed no arguments (so this GETS the HTML, rather than SETS the HTML) and then tried to call the resulting string of HTML like a function.