There doesn't seem to be a similar question anywhere. I need this to just loop through each unique value, and then kick out how many are the same but, somehow I'm using mysqli_num_rows wrong. Thank you in advance.
//This portion fetches unique entries that aren't empty
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT burger ";
$query .= "FROM newbob ";
$query .= "WHERE burger != '' ";
$query .= "ORDER BY burger ASC ";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
if (!$result){
die ("Database query failed.");
//and I want this portion to count how many there are that are the same, and
//just add it next to it.
while($entries = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo $entries["burger"];
$query2 = "SELECT burger ";
$query2 .= "FROM newbob ";
$query2 .= "WHERE burger = '$entries[burger]'";
$result2 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2);
$rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result2);
echo "( " . $rowcount . " )<br>";
Edit: my query is failing somehow, I fixed the spaces in the query but, I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong with the $entries[burger]
part of the query.
Edit2: Might sit here and type myself through it! I just needed some single quotes around it. Now I'm failing when it hit's an apostrophe though. Any ideas?
Yup, just worked my way right through it. It's not necessarily beautiful but, I'm not sure how to do it better. The new bottom portion is