the problem: i get "Cannot GET /heroes" or "Cannot GET /dashboard" errors when trying to reach http://localhost:9000/dashboard or http://localhost:9000/heroes
i currently have a gulp task to setup the webpage:
var http = require('http');<br/>
var connect = require('connect');<br/>
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');<br/>
var open = require('open');<br/>
var port = 9000, app;<br/>, ['ts2js']);
app = connect().use(serveStatic(__dirname));
http.createServer(app).listen(port, function () {
open('http://localhost:' + port);
Question: what should i change in my gulp task to prevent the index.html file being bypassed?
I have tried adding in connect-history-api-fallback but I don't know how to setup properly.
i tried the following but then it wouldn't let me change the subpage at all:
var history = require('connect-history-api-fallback');
app = connect().use(serveStatic(__dirname));
Here is my angularjs2 routing config (if it helps):
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2/router';
import {DashboardComponent} from './dashboard.component';
import {HeroesComponent} from './heroes.component';
selector: 'start-app',
template: `
<a [routerLink]="['Dashboard']">Dashboard</a>
<a [routerLink]="['Heroes']">Heroes</a>
styleUrls: ['./src/app/app.component.css'],
directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
providers: [/*HeroService,*/ ROUTER_PROVIDERS]
{ path: '/dashboard', name: 'Dashboard', component: DashboardComponent, useAsDefault: true },
{ path: '/heroes', name: 'Heroes', component: HeroesComponent }
export class App//Component
public title = 'Tour of Heroes';
thanks in advance!
as requested here is the whole gulp file (hope it helps you):
var gulp = require('gulp');
var PATHS = {
src: 'src/**/*.ts'
gulp.task('clean', function (done) {
var del = require('del');
del(['dist'], done);
// copy dependencies
gulp.task('copy:libs', ['clean'], function() {
'src/app/*.html', 'src/app/*.css'
'src/home/*.html', 'src/home/*.css'
'src/login/*.html', 'src/login/*.css'
'src/signup/*.html', 'src/signup/*.css'
gulp.task('ts2js',['copy:libs'], //['copy:libs'],
function () {
var typescript = require('gulp-typescript');
var tscConfig = require('./tsconfig.json');
var tsResult = gulp
return tsResult.js.pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));
gulp.task('play', ['ts2js'], function () {
var http = require('http');
var connect = require('connect');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');
var open = require('open');
var port = 9000, app;, ['ts2js']);
app = connect().use(serveStatic(__dirname));
http.createServer(app).listen(port, function () {
open('http://localhost:' + port);
gulp.task('default', ['play']);
here is the answer how to set it up in that gulp task: