Can any one tell me how to install Android Support library manually? Because I have problem with my SDK Manager unable to find required library and also packages need to develop an application. But I could manage with other packages manually now I cant find support libraries to download even official website shows how to download through SDK Manager but not manually. What if SDK Manager doesnt work properly like me?
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I had a similar problem with downloading the Android Support Repository. I tried downloading the Repository through the SDK Manager in Android Studio. However, the SDK manager could not access certain folders (my SDK was locaated in my C:\ drive and I needed administrator permissions etc etc...).
I solved it by:
The SDK Manager should pop up immediately. You should also see a list of previously installed packages.
link to the SDK tools setup
Hope this works for you.
Direct downloading of
through SDK manager is no longer exist. Instead, you can use .aar files in the path (\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\support-v4
) to get the .jar files.Refer How to convert AAR to JAR
Some Background
Most of the support libraries are compiled into apps and they are distributed to be consumed by apps through the Google Maven repository. Most of the support libraries are AARs.The AAR file consists of a JAR file and some resource files.
Secondly, You need to get downloaded the google support repository through SDK manager.
you can directly download from here
and then unzip it in the extras folder
I have been trying to figure this out ALL DAY LONG. Finally came across the right stuff online and so I'll share with you here.
Via command line:
You will receive a list of all the valid packages to be downloaded and installed. You might need to adjust your buffer size to see them all. Snippet below
Hope this helps someone. I wasted a LOT of time tracking this guy down.
you can find under the Extras in Android SDK manager
after you installed you go to your android SDK (make sure your location)
in that you can find the location