On Internet Explorer, a contentEditable DIV creates a new paragraph (<p></p>
) each time you press Enter whereas Firefox creates a <br/>
As discussed here, it is possible to use JavaScript to intercept the Enter keyPress and use range.pasteHTML to create a <br/>
instead. But doing this breaks the Undo menu; once you hit Enter, you can no longer Undo past that point.
How can I force the contentEditable element to create single line breaks on Enter without breaking Undo?
It may be impossible to get this right. However, it is possible to make the
tags look like single line breaks, by removing the built-in margin around paragraph tags, using CSS:There is a drawback to this approach: if the user needs to copy/paste text in the contentEditable element, the text may appear to be single-spaced inside the element but double-spaced outside the element.
Worse, in at least some cases, IE will automatically detect double-line breaks during paste, replacing them with
tags; this will mess up the formatting of the pasted text.