Why isn't my order data saved in my json file

2019-09-19 17:23发布

If I send data to my json file, it sends all the data of the customer, but not the data of my order. I think my code doesn't convert the types right, but I can't find the location. I think it's located somewhere in the pizzamap, but i can't find a error.

The Handler:

func bestellingHandler(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
log.Println("Viewing bestellingen")
bestellingTemplate, _ := template.ParseFiles("./templates/Bestellingen.htm")

// laad de pizza's uit de data file


filepizza := "./data/pizzas.json"
Readpizza, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepizza)

var Pizzaslice []Pizza

err = json.Unmarshal(Readpizza, &Pizzaslice)
if err != nil {

Pizzamap := make(map[string]PizzaOrder)
var totaalprijs float64
for i := 0; i < (len(Pizzaslice)); i++ {

    index := strconv.Itoa(i)
    aantalpizzas, _ := strconv.Atoi(request.FormValue("aantal_" + Pizzaslice[i].Name))
    prijspizzas, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(request.FormValue("price"+Pizzaslice[i].Name), 64)
    if aantalpizzas != 0 {

        Pizzabesteld[index] = PizzaOrder{
            Naam:   request.FormValue("name" + Pizzaslice[i].Name),
            Price:  prijspizzas,
            Aantal: aantalpizzas,

        totaalprijs += float64(aantalpizzas) * prijspizzas

filebestelling := "./data/deck.json"
Readbestelling, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filebestelling)

var klantmap map[string]Klant

err = json.Unmarshal(Readbestelling, &klantmap)
if err != nil {
index := strconv.Itoa(len(klantmap))
klantmap[index] = Klant{
    Naam:           request.FormValue("naam"),
    Tussenvoegsel:  request.FormValue("tussenv"),
    Achternaam:     request.FormValue("lname"),
    Adres:          request.FormValue("adress"),
    Telefoonnummer: request.FormValue("phone"),
    Postcode:       request.FormValue("zipcode"),
    Email:          request.FormValue("email"),
    Status:         "Je bestelling wordt bereid",
    Totaalprijs:    totaalprijs,
    Order:          Pizzamap,

Resultaat, err := json.MarshalIndent(klantmap, "", "\t")
if err != nil {

ioutil.WriteFile(filebestelling, Resultaat, 0644)
bestellingTemplate.Execute(writer, klantmap[index])



               <legend>Je bestelling:</legend>

                        <p>Naam: {{ .Naam }}<br>
                        Tussenvoegsel: {{ .Tussenvoegsel }}<br>
                        Achternaam: {{ .Achternaam }}<br>
                        E-mail: {{ .Email }}<br>
                        Telefoonnummer: {{ .Telefoonnummer }}<br>
                        Status: {{ .Status }}<br>
                        {{range $key, $value := .Order}}
                         Pizzanaam: {{ $value.Naam }}  <br>
                         Prijs: &euro;{{ $value.Price | printf "%.2f" }}  <br>
                         Aantal: {{ $value.Aantal }} <br>
                    <li>Totaal: &euro;{{ .totaalprijs | printf "%.2f" }}</li>


The Structures:

type PizzaOrder struct {
Naam   string
Price  float64
Aantal int


this is what it shows in my json file

The json:

"0": {
    "Naam": "Lucas",
    "Tussenvoegsel": "de",
    "Achternaam": "Groot",
    "Adres": "Margrietlaan 37",
    "Postcode": "6713PL",
    "Telefoonnummer": "03958321",
    "Email": "k@gmail.com",
    "Status": "Je bestelling wordt bereid",
    "Totaalprijs": 0,
    "Order": {
        "0": {
            "Naam": "salami",
            "Price": 0,
            "Aantal": 2

2楼-- · 2019-09-19 17:29

cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field PizzaOrder.Price of type float64

This makes it clear that a string is trying to be decoded into a float

Looking at your type definition:

type PizzaOrder struct {
    Naam   string
    Price  float64 // <-- expects float
    Aantal int     // <-- expects int

Your input will really not be unmarshal'ed because Price and Aantal are string instead of float64 and int respectively

"Order": {
    "0": {
        "Naam": "",
        "Price": "", // <-- string
        "Aantal": "" // <-- string

Should be

"Order": {
    "0": {
        "Naam": "",
        "Price": 0,
        "Aantal": 0

Edit 1:


Pizzabesteld[index] = PizzaOrder{


Pizzamap[index] = PizzaOrder{

? You are trying to output Pizzamap but it is actually an empty map.

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