After installing Xcode 4.3 I can't validate and distribute application using Organizer. While building, signing and validating in Xcode is OK, the validation in Organizer fails with the message in the title of this question.
First, Xcode 4.3 can download provisioning profiles automatically (there's an option in Organizer), but it downloads only development profiles and ignores distribution profiles as if there are none. OK, I downloaded and installed it manually and it appears in Organizer. Then I set proper Code Signing Identity both for project and for target and use Distribution profile that matches Distribution certificate in my keychain. Then I do Archive (build-sign-verify) and no errors, in the log I see green checkmarks for CodeSign and for Verify steps. Looks good and the archive appears in Organizer.
And that's where all goes wrong, I just select Validate, choose the new version I just prepared in iTunes Connect, choose correct code signing identity, same as was used for Archiving (actually, there are no other choices in my case), it asks for iTunes login/password as usual, and then says
Codesign operation failed
Check that the identity you selected is valid
Ahhh!!! Why!? It had no problems while archiving it, then same code signing doesn't work when trying to submit to AppStore. Well, not even submit, but validate before actually sending it. So this issue is local to my machine. The very same signing and validation that is successful during build, fails in Organizer...
I tried everything, re-installed Xcode, removed/revoked and re-issued all certificates, removed duplicated private and public keys from keychain, put all certificates in one "login" keychain, issued new profiles, installed Application Loader 2.5.1, and so on... still no luck.
Could it be that I have some left-over from previous Xcode installs? Or that I have to update some tools to make Organizer work properly?
Meanwhile, if anyone knows another way to upload binary to AppStore, please share. I couldn't figure out how to do that using Application Loader, when it asks me to choose a bundle to upload, all I have is xcode archive created by Xcode in Archive step. How do I get my hands on iap or whatever file the Application Loader wants from me?
I have so many subdirectories on my bundle that have the same name as their parents, so I was not able to validate and submit. The only solution I found is to download xcode 4.2.1 from Apple developer center and install it side by side with xcode 4.3.2. Then I used it to validate and submit.
In my case, it was a damaged custom framework.
Gee, I spent like an hour on this problem.
I just removed AddThis from my project. Do it and it would work.
I experienced this issue on Xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005) with 2 completely separate folders that happened to be named the same thing.
Most other cases in this thread focus on the parent/sibling relationship, but I think it's any two folders with the same name will cause this failure.
I was the original poster on the Apple Dev Forums...
I've also attempted to bring this to the attention of the AddThis developers:
As mentioned in the other posts, the only way I've found to prevent the code signing failure is to remove the ATResources.bundle file from the project.
Of course, this bundle contains many of the necessary images for AddThis, among other things, but the error no longer occurs.
I'm hoping this helps someone else discover the correct way to solve this issue.
The problem is AddThis or explicitly the ATResources.bundle in the AddThis folder.
So you have two options:
The first one is using an older version of Xcode to Archive.
The second one is relocate all the images inside the ATResources.bundle into a folder, and copy the content of the Localizable.strings into your own Localizable.strings
Then open the FBDialog.m file and search for "close.png", remove that line of code and replace it with:
UIImage* closeImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"close.png"];
Now you're ready to Archive.
Finally consider to file a bug report in