Google Docs says:
The local time of a given location is the sum of the timestamp parameter, and the dstOffset and rawOffset fields from the result.
timestamp + dstOffset + rawOffset = local time in seconds in UTC
I am trying to get the local time in the correct time zone. I thought that new Date(timestamp + dstOffset + rawOffset *1000) would return the local time in UTC, but instead I find that the actual numerical values are indeed in local time, in the wrong time zone (UTC).
timestamp: 1456349190
readable timestamp: new Date(1456349190*1000).toGMTString()
(Wed, 24 Feb 2016 21:26:30 GMT),-84.5274616×tamp=1456349190&key=${googleApiKey}
- dstOffset: 0
- rawOffset: -18000
- timeZoneId: America/New_York
Sum in seconds = 1456349190 + 0 + (-18000) = 1456331190
Sum in milliseconds = 1456331190*1000 = 1456331190000
Supposed Local Date = new Date(1456331190000).toGMTString()
(Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:26:30 GMT)
Shouldn't readable timestamp and Supposed Local Date be the same since both are in UTC? Seems like Supposed Local Date should really be Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:26:30 EST
Is this correct?
If so it seems like I just need to extract the values I need (local hour) from Supposed Local Date and apply the correct time zone returned from google api timeZoneId (America/New_York) because 16:26:30 is the correct local time I need.
Helpful Tips
These are some guidelines that helped me understand timestamp better:
I just solve my problem adding this line:
document.getElementById("utc_offset").value = place.utc_offset;
Timestamp value indicates the seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC. Not local timestamp.
The Google API tells you the rawOffset of location is "-18000"
When you calculate the date with timestamp, you should align the unit in UTC. Because Date class treats the timestamp as UTC.
In your explanation, the value 1456331190000 is a local timestamp, but the Date class treats the value as UTC.
This is your mistake point.
Here is the code (in Node.js)