I do not know if it possible or not cause i'm very newbie to ffmpeg
suppose i've TV channel streaming link works with vlc
plug-in to view it in firefox
$link = "http://www.my_site.com:13306"; // this is streaming tv channel link
Now by using ffmpeg
i wonder if i can re-stream it and capture it as .flv
so i can re-stream it using jwplayer
What i mean if the opposite of this command
ffmpeg -re -y -i "Video.mp4" -c:v libx264 -b:v 600k -r 25 -s 640x360 -t 40 -vf yadif -b:a 64k -ac 1 -ar 44100 -f flv "http://www.my_site.com:13306"
so can it be possible to re-stream using ffmpeg
Yes it is possible to capture a (non protected) stream using ffmpeg. Once it is on your disk, you can do anything you want with it.
Depending on the content, rebroadcasting it could be illegal however.
you can re stream any http link to rtmp link using this