The CMFCToolbar Inherits the function EnableToolTip which does not help the developer if he is creating the toolbar dynamically and not adding the Description and title in resource. I made an extension for CMFCToolBar and wrote a function :
BOOL CMFCToolBarEx::OnNeedTipText(UINT /*id*/, NMHDR* pNMH, LRESULT* /*pResult*/)
// UINT nID = static_cast<int>(pNMH->idFrom);
CString strTip = _T("");
CPoint point;
INT_PTR nHit = ((CMFCToolBar*)this)->HitTest(point);
if(nHit == -1)
return FALSE;
CMFCToolBarButton* pButton = GetButton((int)nHit);
strTip = pButton->m_strText;
_tcscpy(pTTT->lpszText , strTip.GetBuffer(0));
return TRUE;
to show tooltip in cmfctoolbar button.
The cmfctoolbar button takes no parameter and has no function to set description. The constructor takes parameter like :
pToolBarButton = new CMFCToolBarButton(nId, nIconIndex, lpszText);
If I set the parameter lpszText with title only the tooltip appears like this
I need to add description to this toolbar and view it like this if anyone can suggest a better way to do it
Anyone looking for answer. Here you go just add
to your overridden onneedtiptext function.