This is LINQ-to-SQL.
I'm trying to walk up a hierarchical relationship of SiteCategories
to see how many levels there are.
int numLevels = 1;
//I tried setting this to new[] { parentID }.AsQueryable();
//but linq didn't like it
IQueryable<int> nextBatchOfParents = _catalogdb.SiteCategories
.Where(c => c.SiteCategoryId == parentID)
.Select(c => c.SiteCategoryId);
while ((nextBatchOfParents = _catalogdb.SiteCategoryRelationships
.Where(rel => nextBatchOfParents.Any(x => x == rel.ChildSiteCategoryId))
.Select(rel => rel.ParentSiteCategoryId)).Any())
Unfortunately the first iteration of the loop causes a StackOverflow exception. I'm guessing I could sneak my way out of this by materializing most/all of these queries sooner, but I'm hoping there's a better way to fix this.
It looks like you're calling nextbatchofparents within itself.