I'm trying to match an operator of variable arity (e.g. "1 < 3 < x < 10" yields true, given that 3 < x < 10) within a mathematical expression. Note that this is unlike most languages would parse the expression) The (simplified) production rule is:
expression: '(' expression ')' # parenthesisExpression
| expression ('*' | '/' | '%') expression # multiplicationExpression
| expression ('+' | '-') expression # additionExpression
| expression (SMALLER_THAN expression)+ # smallerThanExpression
| IDENTIFIER # variableExpression
How do we keep the precedence, but still parse the smallerThanExpression as greedy as possible?
For example; "1 < 1+1 < 3" should be parsed as a single parse node "smallerThanExpression" with three child nodes, each of which is an expression. At this moment, the smallerThanExpression is broken up in two smallerThanExpressions (1 < (1+1 < 3)).
To give an answer for "future generations": we fixed it by separating arithmetic expressions from the other expressions. We know that only arithmetic expressions can be used as operands for our variable-arity operators ('true < false' is not a valid expression).
This enforces an expression such as "x < y < z" to be parsed as a single 'expression' node with three 'arithmetic' nodes as children.
(Note that an identifier might refer to a non-integer object; this is checked in the context checker)