I want to use an array for shared memory. The problem is the program is structured in such a way that the child processes are spawned before I know the size of the shared array. If I send a message to extend the array nothing happens and if I try to send the shared array itself I get an error. Below is a small script to demonstrate my problem.
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
def f(a,pipe):
while True:
message, data = pipe.recv()
if message == 'extend':
a = np.zeros(data)
print a
elif message == 'exit':
if __name__ == '__main__':
unshared_arr = np.zeros(1)
a = mp.Array('d', unshared_arr)
p1,p2 = mp.Pipe()
p = mp.Process(target=f, args=(a,p2))
p1.send(('extend', 10))
p1.send(('exit', None))
b = np.frombuffer(a.get_obj())
try :
now use np_shared as you would any numpy array. You should keep it global if multiple processes are going to need it.