- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[VidyoClientConnector Initialize];
c = [[Connector alloc] init:&_videoView ViewStyle:CONNECTORVIEWSTYLE_Default RemoteParticipants:2 LogFileFilter:"" LogFileName:"" UserData:0];//App Crash on this line.
I am implement video chat on my app so I am using vidyo framework but when we build our project then we got crashed . Please help me if anyone have some solution about the vidyo .
This is url of vidyo.
I have got some error which is mention below :-
2017-04-17 11:06:39.196: ERROR: VidyoClient: [System thread]: /tmp/SDK.Release.TRINITY_4_1_11_4.build.hbUgjRdPKe/source/SDK/Lmi/VidyoClient/VidyoLicenseApple.m:124: -[VidyoLicenseKeychain initAccessGroup]: SecItemDelete returned error -25300 for VidyoLicenseDummyId from the keychain
2017-04-17 11:06:39.198: ERROR: VidyoClient: [System thread]: /tmp/SDK.Release.TRINITY_4_1_11_4.build.hbUgjRdPKe/source/SDK/Lmi/VidyoClient/VidyoLicenseApple.m:176: -[VidyoLicenseKeychain searchValue:]: SecItemCopyMatching failed with error -25300
2017-04-17 11:06:39.229: ERROR: VidyoClient: [System thread]: /tmp/SDK.Release.TRINITY_4_1_11_4.build.hbUgjRdPKe/source/SDK/Lmi/VidyoClient/VidyoLicenseApple.m:176: -[VidyoLicenseKeychain searchValue:]: SecItemCopyMatching failed with error -25300
2017-04-17 11:06:39.229: ERROR: VidyoClient: [System thread]: /tmp/SDK.Release.TRINITY_4_1_11_4.build.hbUgjRdPKe/source/SDK/Lmi/VidyoClient/VidyoLicenseApple.m:261: GetVendorID_: No vendor id found in the keychain - ensure a proper entitlements file is present
2017-04-17 11:06:39.229: ERROR: VidyoClient: [System thread]: /tmp/SDK.Release.TRINITY_4_1_11_4.build.hbUgjRdPKe/source/SDK/Lmi/VidyoClient/VidyoEndpoint.c:4754: VidyoEndpointImplConstructAfterSharedPtr: Failed to get endpoint id
Assertion failed: (newVal >= 0), function LmiSharedPtrRefCountDecUseCount, file /tmp/SDK.Release.TRINITY_4_1_11_4.build.hbUgjRdPKe/source/SDK/Lmi/VidyoClient/../../../SDK/Lmi/Os/LmiSharedPtrInline.h, line 51.
Here are some important things setting up Vidyo. Hopefully, someone in future might find it useful.
for libVidyoClient in Native reference properties.
Did you add keychain sharing capability to your project capabilities? Checkout https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/AddingCapabilities/AddingCapabilities.html On how to enable capabilities to your iOS project. Enable Keychain sharing, you limit your app to a set of keychain access groups just like the VidyoConnector sample project.
Add the keychain group - "VidyoLicense"