Is it possible to have something like?
$offset = -05:00;
$timezone = getTimeZone($offset); //return America/New_York
How about the DST(Day Saving Light) if yes?
What i have tried is
function php_date_default_timezone_set($GMT,$timestamp) {
$timezones = array(
return date_default_timezone_get();
echo php_date_default_timezone_set('-05:00',time());
// returns America/New_York
But i don't know whether this way is correct or not?
Forgive me from bringing back an old question, but i was having the same issue using the Offset, but instead, decided to use this list. (From Google Calendar)
Instead of storing the offset, store the actual name "America/Phoenix"
This is what I have now for when users select a time zone. Its perfect lineup of the major timezones, and PHP ready.
Now in PHP you can use the value you stored from the select box, and input directly into the timezone set.
The user would now select a timezone they know locally. I know it can be a lot, but there are ways to do it without the offset.
No, because there's no such reverse correlation. There are many timezones which currently have a
offset. That's why you should use timezone identifiers to identify timezones, not offsets.