I am making a page where I can use the date ranger, datepicker from jqueryui.com and i am very mewbie to laravel Framework.
I have the eloquent query as follows,
public function orderbydate()
$order =DB::table('sales_flat_order_items as s')
->leftJoin('sales_flat_orders as w', 'w.entity_id','=','s.order_id')
->select(array(DB::Raw('sum(s.amount_refunded) as amount_refunded'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.row_total) as row_total'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.discount_amount) as discount_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.tax_amount) as tax_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.qty_ordered) as qty_ordered'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.subtotal) as subtotal'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.total_invoiced) as total_invoiced'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.shipping_amount) as shipping_amount')))
$orderbydate = DB::table('sales_flat_order_items as s')
->leftJoin('sales_flat_orders as w', 'w.entity_id','=','s.order_id')
->select(array(DB::Raw('sum(s.amount_refunded) as amount_refunded'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.row_total) as row_total'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.discount_amount) as discount_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.tax_amount) as tax_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.qty_ordered) as qty_ordered'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.subtotal) as subtotal'),
DB::Raw('DATE(w.created_at) days'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.total_invoiced) as total_invoiced'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.shipping_amount) as shipping_amount')))
return View::make('sales_flat_orders.orderbydate', compact('order','orderbydate'));
Note: this function will show u all the data on the template
Another function is
public function orderbydate1()
$startDate = Input::get('w.created_at');
$endDate = Input::get('w.created_at');
$order1 =DB::table('sales_flat_order_items as s')
->leftJoin('sales_flat_orders as w', 'w.entity_id','=','s.order_id')
->select(array(DB::Raw('sum(s.amount_refunded) as amount_refunded'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.row_total) as row_total'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.discount_amount) as discount_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.tax_amount) as tax_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.qty_ordered) as qty_ordered'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.subtotal) as subtotal'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.total_invoiced) as total_invoiced'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.shipping_amount) as shipping_amount')))
$orderbydate1 = DB::table('sales_flat_order_items as s')
->leftJoin('sales_flat_orders as w', 'w.entity_id','=','s.order_id')
->select(array(DB::Raw('sum(s.amount_refunded) as amount_refunded'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.row_total) as row_total'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.discount_amount) as discount_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.tax_amount) as tax_amount'),
DB::Raw('sum(s.qty_ordered) as qty_ordered'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.subtotal) as subtotal'),
DB::Raw('DATE(w.created_at) days'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.total_invoiced) as total_invoiced'),
DB::Raw('sum(w.shipping_amount) as shipping_amount')))
return View::make('sales_flat_orders.result', compact('order','orderbydate1'));
I have template named OrderByDAte.blade.php
Sales By Date
{{ Form::open() }}
<label for="from">From</label>
<input type="text" id="from" name="from">
<label for="to">to</label>
<input type="text" id="to" name="to">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-info btn-block">
{{ Form::close() }}
$(function() {
$( "#from" ).datepicker({
defaultDate: "+1w",
changeMonth: true,
numberOfMonths: 3,
onClose: function( selectedDate ) {
$( "#to" ).datepicker( "option", "minDate", selectedDate );
$( "#to" ).datepicker({
defaultDate: "+1w",
changeMonth: true,
numberOfMonths: 3,
onClose: function( selectedDate ) {
$( "#from" ).datepicker( "option", "maxDate", selectedDate );
Also the loop which displays the table.
And Now
**result.blade.php** which displays the data.
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="dataTables-example">
<tr class="odd gradeX">
<th>Items Ordered</th>
<th>Tax Amount</th>
<th>Discount Amount</th>
<th>Row Total</th>
<th>Total Invoiced</th>
<th>Shipping Amount</th>
@foreach($orderbydate1 as $s)
<tr class="odd gradeX">
<td>{{date("d F, Y",strtotime($s->days))}}</td>
<td>{{ round($s->qty_ordered, 2) }}</td>
Note: I think my Submit Button Does not works. I dnt know why?
Now I want to use datepicker to filter this by date, in my routes i know that i have to use post and after submitting the date i must get the datatable in that range.
How to use $startDate and $endDate over here. in my eloquent query. I have to take input 'w.created_at' field for my startDate and also 'w.created_at' for $endDate. I think i have to use facade input in my function like this.
$startDate = Input::get('w.created_at');
$endDate = Input::get('w.created_at');
But this function does not work.
I am currently using the bootstrap datepicker. But if you know other one then U can give me examples for it.
Now there are two template which i use for the
Route::get('orderbydate', array('as'=>'orderbydate', 'uses'=>'SalesFlatController@orderbydatesales'))
to get all the data into my template.
And for the post i use
Route::get('result', array('as'=>'result', 'uses'=>'SalesFlatController@orderbydate'))
Note: I get an error like Missing 1 argument.
Can anyone just help me a little in just knowing where i am going wrong??
You need to change:
as you're getting those values from
. You'd put those variables in the function call only if those variables were coming from variables in the route, i.e.: