When copying large files using shutil.copy()
, you get no indication of how the operation is progressing..
I have put together something that works - it uses a simple ProgressBar class (which simple returns a simple ASCII progress bar, as a string), and a loop of open().read()
and .write()
to do the actual copying. It displays the progress bar using sys.stdout.write("\r%s\r" % (the_progress_bar))
which is a little hackish, but it works.
You can see the code (in context) on github here
Is there any built-in module that will do this better? Is there any improvements that can be made to this code?
Overkill? Perhaps. But on almost any system, Linux, Mac, and With a quick wxWidgets install on Windows, you can have the real deal, with pause and cancel buttons in a gui setup. Macs ship with wxWidgets these days, and it's a common package on Linux.
A single file is very quick (it will immediately finish and look broken) so you might consider creating a fileSet job that ticks along once per file instead of once per block. Enjoy!
-Jim Carroll
I have this shutil.copy() with progress bar made in a simple way just with built in modules. If you are using utf-8 encoding you can get a progress like the second example in the gif image: Progress bars examples for this:
Read the comments to change style and colors. The first and last examples don't need utf-8. You can use the command CPprogress(SOURCE, DESTINATION) just where you had shutil.copy(src, dst):
If you want to use the Windows copy dialog with progress you can use these:
If you want an overall progress, you can use something like this (made for another script). Note that in this case, the 'threading.Thread' that calls the progress bar was placed outside the 'for' loop. Also, the measures need be taken in a different way. This is the third example (non utf-8) from the gif image in the previous answer. It adds a files 'ToGo’ counting:
Two things:
function not output the progress bar itself, but call a callback function so the caller can decide how to display the progress.Perhaps something like this: