Its grails project,
Twitter Authentication is successful,
How to get twitter userID from this oauth_token received?
- Obtaining Refresh Token from lepture/Authlib throu
- Grails External Configuration. Can't access to
- YouTube API refresh token revoked with 400 code “i
- grails unit test + Thread
- Script fails on SpreadsheetApp.openById - Requires
- Why is redirect_uri required on Access Token reque
- Grails: How to make everything I create Upper Case
- Django REST Framework - OAuth2 Consumer API from e
- Proper WWW-Authenticate header for OAuth provider
- Google OAuth 2.0 User id datatype for MYSQL
- Google OAuth 2: response_type error on token reque
- Google OAuth 2 redirect_uri_mismatch - OmniAuth Ra
- Twitter oauth refresh token
Try this..,.
You can get working example from my git repo. Grails Oauth Plugin Demo.