I have been for some days trying to translate an algorithm to assembly x86, and I did it. However I would like to print the final result that it is saved in "tmp", what instruction can I use? (I'm Spanish so I'm sorry if I say something wrong in English). This is my algorithm:
tmp = NOT(L0)
tmp = tmp AND L1
tmp = NOT(NOT(tmp) OR NOT(L2))
tmp = NOT(tmp OR NOT(L3))
tmp = NOT(tmp + NOT(L4))
if (tmp == L5)
licence = correct
licence = incorrect
And this is it in assembly:
LicenceCorrect PROC
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
mov edx,[ebx]
mov ecx,edx
not ecx
mov edx,[ebx+4]
and ecx,edx
mov edx,[ebx+8]
not edx
not ecx
or ecx,edx
not ecx
mov edx,[ebx+16]
not edx
or ecx,edx
not ecx
mov edx,[ebx]
cmp ecx,edx
jne cons
mov al,0
jmp next
mov al,1
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
LicenceCorrect ENDP
Next code displays a number in AX (made with EMU8086). What MissPaper must do now is insert your procedure (LicenseCorrect) at the end of next code, and call it after "call dollars", then assign the value to AX (remove "12345").
Here it is for 32 bits:
Now the 64 bits version (for much bigger numbers in EAX), made with GUI Turbo Assembler x64 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/guitasm8086/):
I didn't add your procedure because it uses the stack and I don't know what values to push before calling it.