I set bar hover color using below code:
plotOptions: {column: {states: {hover: {color: '#000000'}}}}
But how can I change the bar hover color dynamically?
I set bar hover color using below code:
plotOptions: {column: {states: {hover: {color: '#000000'}}}}
But how can I change the bar hover color dynamically?
create a chart after some event of a drop down from where you want to get color. something like
<select id="idd" onChange="getColor()"> <option value="red">R</option> <option value="green">G</option> </select>
I have done a little bit here. will improve it soon.
Simply use
, where in options you will set new hover color:Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/xoje27rt/
Defined set of colors, when you load charts every time you will experience a different color of hover effect from the given set
And a fiddle link for details
For future continual work, make a button to trigger chart reload