I'm trying to install SQL Server vNext on Linux Mint. when i run setup, I get the following error. any help would be highly appreciated.
Failed to issue method call: No such interface 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
on object at path /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/mssql_2dserver_2eservice
Installing SQL Server on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 or Linux mint 18:
You should install Microsoft odbc driver on your Linux, when you want to remote to a SQL server on any other operation system or work with sqlcmd (that it's support SQL server instructions).
Microsoft ODBC Driver 13.1
First of all, you need to be super user:
Then, add Microsoft packages repository to your own Linux.
After that, exit from super user login.
Update your aptitude package list cache.
Install msodbcsql package. This is your Microsoft odbc driver.
If you want to remotely connect to a SQL server on any other operating system (like windows), you can use only odbc driver. But, if you want to install sql server on your own Linux and using it, you should type this following commands:
Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server:
Create symbolic links for tools
These links make you to able run easily sqlcmd and bcp:
Finalization step:
Install dependencies at first:
Offline installation
If online installation not working, do offline installation:
Changing config files:
Change "/etc/odbc.ini":
Paste these lines into above file.
Change "/etc/odbcinst.ini":
Paste these lines into above file.
For more information or other distribution, go to Reference site on Microsoft.