Good morning,
we use LDAP within uniface to allow users to login to our system. When the username/password is correct, all is fine. But when an invalid password is used all we get is error code 49. Is it possible to get a more meaningful error message. Something like: username/password is incorrect Password has expired or username has been disabled.
My code is:
; Initialise an ldap session (using PRIMARY DOMAIN CONTROLLER details)
; Get handle back to the session for use by subsequent calls
activate "LDAP".LDAP_SSLINIT(v_handle,v_p_svr,v_p_port,v_ssl)
if($status != 0) ;Failed
; Perform a BIND to the LDAP (thereby authenticating user)
activate "LDAP".LDAP_BIND_S(v_handle,v_dn,v_cred,v_method)
Uniface is a bit odd but I think the calls to ldap should be the same as in say Java.
From the RFC4511, Appendix A.2 ( this means
The RFC4511 defines these standard error codes.
Depending on your specific LDAP server it may return additional (non-standard) error codes (like for example the Oracle OID: