I have this box that transforms in a bigger box when clicked (getting class). But it is taking 2 clicks, and not only one as it was suposed to take.
.clientes {width:170px;height:27px;background-image:url('../imagens/clients.gif');-webkit-transition:1s;}
.clientes-clicked {width:356px !important;height:154px !important;background-image:url('../imagens/clients-big.png') !important;-webkit-transition:1s;}
var clientesclick = function(){
$('.clientes').on('click', function(e) {
$('.clientes').toggleClass("clientes-clicked"); //you can list several class names
Try it like this
Not too sure why you are assigning it to a variable but it would not run right away, instead it will be executed when you call that method (I guess this is first click) and then afterwards your dom elements will have the event (second click).
Using $(document).ready it will run once all the dom is ready, then when you first click on your elements they should already have the event
You're making this more complicated than it needs to be. You could simply do:
A fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/64XQ3/
And, as was pointed out above, your jQuery should be wrapped in