My leaflet map shows polygons from a GeoJSON file. This file has several attributes (attribute_1, attribute_2, etc.). However, some are filled with text and some are empty.
How can I only show the attributes which are filled with text in my popup and not the empty ones?
Using my code beneath every attribute is shown and if it's empty "null" is shown in the popup:
// Integrate GeoJSON and style polygons
L.geoJson( klimagutachten, {
style: function(feature){
return {
color: "#e60000",
weight: 4,
fillColor: "#e60000",
fillOpacity: .3
// Call popup
onEachFeature: function( feature, layer ){
layer.bindPopup("<strong> Attribute 1: \"" + + " and the second attribute is: " +
Create a validation:
I solved the question using a simple if...else statement. The additions are highlighted in bold: