I am new to iPhone development. I am creating a view based application. I have added a tab bar in my view (and not a tab bar controller). By setting the tag vale of the tab bar item to 1, 2, I have loaded the view for each tab bar on tabbar item click event.
I want the tab bar 1 to be selected by default. What should I do for that?
Here is my code:
- (void)tabBar:(UITabBar *)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item {
NSLog(@"didSelectItem: %d", item.tag);
[self activateTab:item.tag];
- (void)activateTab:(int)index {
switch (index) {
case 1:
self.tab1ViewController =[[tab1 alloc] initWithNibName:@"tab1" bundle:nil];
[self.view insertSubview:tab1ViewController.view belowSubview:tabbar1];
if (currentViewController != nil)
[currentViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
currentViewController = tab1ViewController;
case 2:
self.tab2ViewController =[[tab2 alloc] initWithNibName:@"tab2" bundle:nil];
[self.view insertSubview:tab2ViewController.view belowSubview:tabbar1];
if (currentViewController != nil)
[currentViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
currentViewController = tab2ViewController;
I added the the tab bar in interface builder.Can i do any thing in interface builder?
You can set the default index of the TabBarController by setting the selectedIndex property. This can be put in viewDidLoad or Before pushing the controller if you are doing it that way. This is done only when you are using a TabBarController and Not just a TabBar.
If you are using a TabBar without a TabBarController then you have to do it like this.
Swift 3:
For swift 3.0 if tabBar is
use in viewDidLoad:How I made it, using