Does Navigation drawer over admob banner violate A

2019-09-17 23:50发布

I am using Navigation-Drawer in my application. So I have created single activity with navigation_drawer layout. I am using fragments to change main content area data whenever user chooses a menu option from navigation drawer menu.

Now my problem is that I want to show admob ad on every screen and when opening the navigation drawer the ad will be under the navigation menu as shown in the bellowing picture:

enter image description here

Does it violate Admob policy? I have searched for this information but could not find a result. If you know kindly share with.

Thanks for your help..

2楼-- · 2019-09-18 00:35

In the following link you can see what ad placements will violate admob policy:

You'll be fine using ads in that way, one of my apps has a nav draw and banner ads the same as your app. I think you'll be fine as long as you're not placing the ad above any content the user wants to click - seeing as the user can't actually click the ad when the nav draw is open then you're not breaking any rules.

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