I tried to search other posts in R related to this, but did not find duplicated questions(at least to my efforts). I know I need a priori function in library("a rules") though.
I have a large array file A that each row is a list
user1: [1,2,3,4] # [1,2,3,4] is the itemList purchased by this user
user2: [4]
I want to find items that tend to be purchased together. How should I proceed? It seems I need to convert the data to "transaction" format file also.
So I did
temp <- split(A, 1:nrow(A)) # temp is now a list of lists
B <- as(temp, "transactions")
But I got the error "Error in asMethod(object) : can coerce list with atomic components only" Anyone can help?
I googled this example and run the following code without problem
a_list <- list(c("I1","I2","I5"), c("I2","I4"), c("I2","I3"), c("I1","I2","I4"), c("I1","I3"),c("I2","I3"),c("I1","I3"),
c("I1","I2","I3","I5"), c("I1","I2","I3") )
names(a_list) <- paste("T",c(1:9), "00", sep = "")
table5_1 <- as(a_list, "transactions")
Both of temp (in my code) and a_list are of class list, however
[1] "I1" "I2" "I5"
[1] 1,2,3,4
How should I correct this? Is this due to the factor my temp file was derived from a data frame?
I had this same error and couldn't figure it out. Finally, I realized that I had null values coming through in the description/item field. I'd check for null/empty strings coming through as that might be the issue (Assuming you have already removed duplicate records for one transaction).