I was able to connect to the powerpivot datamodel with amo:
string ConnString =
"Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=$Embedded$;
Locale Identifier=1033;Location=" + ThisAddIn.Current.Application.
ActiveWorkbook.FullName + ";SQLQueryMode=DataKeys";
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server OlapServer =
new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server();
and I am able to retrieve the column names but nothing else. How can I fill a dataset from the model or even how can I view the cell values within this datamodel? I have attempted this
AdomdConnection Conn = new AdomdConnection(ConnString);//using the above string
command = new AdomdCommand("SELECT [Table1].[x] ON COLUMNS FROM [Model]",Conn);
adapter = new AdomdDataAdapter(command);
but all that shows up is the number 1 as the contents no matter what is in the datamodel.
Using a DAX query instead of a MDX query solved the problem.