I'm working on a multithreaded application in which one thread acts as a tcp server which receives commands from a client. The thread uses a Boost socket and acceptor to wait for a client to connect, receives a command from the client, passes the command to the rest of the application, then waits again. Here's the code:
void ServerThreadFunc()
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_service, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), port_no));
for (;;)
// listen for command connection
tcp::socket socket(io_service);
// connected; receive command
boost::array<char,256> msg_buf;
// do something with received bytes here
This thread spends most of its time blocked on the call to acceptor.accept()
. At the moment, the thread only gets terminated when the application exits. Unfortunately, this causes a crash after main() returns - I believe because the thread tries to access the app's logging singleton after the singleton has been destroyed. (It was like that when I got here, honest guv.)
How can I shut this thread down cleanly when it's time for the application to exit? I've read that a blocking accept() call on a raw socket can be interrupted by closing the socket from another thread, but this doesn't appear to work on a Boost socket. I've tried converting the server logic to asynchronous i/o using the Boost asynchronous tcp echo server example, but that just seems to exchange a blocking call to acceptor::accept()
for a blocking call to io_service::run()
, so I'm left with the same problem: a blocked call which I can't interrupt. Any ideas?
Simply call shutdown with native handle and the SHUT_RD option, to cancel the existing receive(accept) operation.
If it comes to it, you could open a temporary client connection to it on localhost - that will wake it up. You could even send it a special message so that you can shut down your server from the pub - there should be an app for that:)
In short, there are two options:
), run within the event loop viaio_service::run()
, and cancel viaio_service::stop()
.I would recommend the first option, as it is more likely to be the portable and easier to maintain. The important concept to understand is that the
only blocks as long as there is pending work. Whenio_service::stop()
is invoked, it will try to cause all threads blocked onio_service::run()
to return as soon as possible; it will not interrupt synchronous operations, such asacceptor::accept()
, even if the synchronous operations are invoked within the event loop. It is important to note thatio_service::stop()
is a non-blocking call, so synchronization with threads that were blocked onio_service::run()
must use another mechanic, such asthread::join()
.Here is an example that will run for 10 seconds and listens to port 8080:
While running, I opened two connections. Here is the output:
When you receive an event that it's time to exit, you can call
, which will cancel the pending accept (with an error code ofoperation_canceled
). On some systems, you might also have toclose()
the acceptor as well to be safe.