I want to implement a chat application. But I have a few questions, which I could not solve by searching the internet.
My requests are:
- Of course I can address each device individually from my server (makes sense for a chat app)
- I can create a time delay between sending and receiving a message
- The application should not require a registration (this is not a MUST, but would be nice)
I wonder if GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) is the appropriate solution for me. I have not yet worked with it, so I would like to have some help. Will I run into troubles with this? And most important: Is a registration required?
You will run into troubles surely, GCM is not for creating chat applications . You will need this XMPP.GCM is kind of thing used for broadcasting messages,which does not even guarantee the delivery of messages instantaneously i.e real time which you will be requiring.
SEE THIS TOO: Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions