I am developing an mobile application using IBM MobileFirst Plaform.
When I test the app in the browser, Mobile simulator and android emulator the application is working fine. When I deploy the apk file in my android device and run the application is not running. when I checked the logcat I have the following error.
I/Web Console(20334): processMessage failed: Message: F09 WLAuthorizationManagerPlugin1268447688 {"wlFailureStatus":"UNRESPONSIVE_HOST","status":500,"responseText":"","statusText":"The service is currently not available."} at file:///android_asset/www/default/worklight/cordova.js:1063
Both my laptop and Mobile are connected to same wifi network
Your server is likely set to "localhost".
Verify that the application is now able to connect to the MFP Server.
Did you check wlclient.properties file in native android folder?? In that file check wlserverhost and wlserver port. Before that if you deploy your app to any remote server that ip address and port number should configured for android environment. Change that IP address and port number by un-check Build the application to work with a different Mobile first server... Re build the application to the local mobile first server..
Para eclipse luna 4.4.0 and WORKLIGHT 6.3
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