Is there a difference between HTML5 and jQuery, or is jQuery an instrument I can use in the HTML5 logic ?
I am a little confused by the terminology I guess and I hope someone can enlighten me.
Is there a difference between HTML5 and jQuery, or is jQuery an instrument I can use in the HTML5 logic ?
I am a little confused by the terminology I guess and I hope someone can enlighten me.
HTML5 is a markup language. jQuery is a Javascript library. They're not the same thing.
They are related however: Javascript code embedded in (or referenced from) HTML5 documents can use the objects and methods provided by jQuery to perform its tasks.
jQuery is a javascript library. In the other hand HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. One is programming language, javascript, the other is markup language.
HTML is used for the structure of a web document, but javascript is used to control user's interaction with the HTML document, for example a click on HTML element.
Read more for HTML5:
Read more for Javascript:
Read more for jQuery:
jQuery is Javascript
jQuery is a JavaScript framework, HTML5 is a language for HTML structure/presentation.